Major Projects

Australia’s second largest open cut mine is adjacent to the Yallourn W Power Station and annually mines around 18 million tonnes of brown coal.
Pro Draft manages the Yallourn Mine onsite drawing office
We provide on-site electrical & mechanical drafting services including; 3D modelling, measuring and technical assistance .
2012 Dredger No. 12 Mid-Life Outage
- Provided 3D Model of redesigned bucket wheel for manufacture
- Prepared detail & arrangement drawings of re-designed bucket wheel drive shaft and associated components to facilitate new adapter sleeve assembly
- Revised drawings for bucket wheel drive gearbox overhaul
- Detailed drawings of new slewing head ball path for manufacture and installation
2011 New Maryvale Coal Field – Conveyor Relocations
- Provided conceptual layouts and arrangements for new conveyors, including relocation and re-use of existing plant
- Revised the 22kV & 6.6kV distribution system drawings
- Provided conceptual and transitional drawings for the re-routing of existing feeders to clear new plant

The Maryvale Mill is the largest integrated fine paper-making complex in Australia, producing more than 500,000 tonnes of paper every year. Pro Draft currently provides on-site electrical and mechanical drafting services to the Maryvale Mill projects department.
Pro Draft has had a close association with the Maryvale Mill since 1993. Pro Draft has played a key role in many projects including the following:
2012 Effluent Filtration Control System Upgrade (Electrical)
- Designed layout of new DCS cabinets
- Modified existing electrical & instrumentation field cabinet wiring
- Interfaced existing controls into new DCS system
- Supervised on-site during construction phase
2011 ESR Belt Press Replacement (Mechanical)
- Provided 3D design, layout, detail & isometric mechanical drawings associated with the removal of the old presses & refitting the new
- Works included; new tanks, pipe bridges, piping access stairs and walkways
2010 Above-ground Raw Water System
- Provided design, layout, detail & isometric mechanical drawings associated with replacing underground piping with above ground piping
- Provided site assistance and project supervision

Loy Yang A is Victoria’s largest power station, producing 30% of the state’s electricity.
Pro Draft provides drafting services, 3D modelling, measuring and technical assistance to Loy Yang Power and its contractors on major and minor projects.
2007-2016 Unit 2, 3 & 4 Major Outages – Drafting Services in support of:
- New high efficiency turbine cylinder installations
- Generator refurbishments and upgrades
- Boiler Gas Outlet Duct refurbishment
- Main firing burner duct replacements
- Auxiliary fuel burner upgrades & replacements
- Quality control checking of components prior to start of outage
- Return to Store audit of unused items on completion of outage
2012 Ladder Compliance Audit to AS 1657
- Identified 600 ladders for replacement, repair or removal
- Defined objectives, goals, actions and measures
- Created audit template and database
- Used reporting mechanisms to help prioritise works
- Worked to a project-plan to meet targets
Loy Yang Mine is the largest brown coal mine in Australia providing the fuel source for both Loy Yang A & B power stations. Pro Draft provides on-site electrical and mechanical drafting services, 3D Modelling, measuring and technical assistance to the Loy Yang Mine.
2016 Tripper Stacker 4 Major Outage – Drafting Services in support of:
- Detailed 3D modelling for internal layout of electrical switchgear & external envelop for the new switchroom. (Stacker)
- Detailed 3D modelling of the internal layout of the switchgear and new floor plates. (Tripper)
- New access walkways to switchrooms
- Installation of new Stacker switchroom (including Lube room and Resistor room) Including 25Tonne C-Frame Lifting beam.
2015 Dredger No 15 Major Outage – Electrical Switchrooms, Loading Unit & Digging Unit (HV & LV)
- Detailed 3D modelling for internal layout of electrical switchgear & external envelop for the new switchroom.
- New access walkways to switchrooms.
- Removal/Installation of existing switchroom.
Support Trestle
- Detailed model for solidworks analysis
New VSD Motors
- Adapt existing structure to accommodate new drives.
- Design guarding to AS standards for new drives.
2014 Dredger No 15 Electrical Switchroom Piping – New insulated chiller piping for VSD upgrade
- Ablution block plumbing
Cabling – extensive 3D modelling for cable runs on Digging Unit underframe
Fire & General Service Piping
- 3D modelling for portable PRV sled
2014 Dredger No 16 Bucketwheel weightometer installation
- Detailed 3D modelling of bucketwheel boom
- Calculate mass for machine stability
2011-2012 Dredger No.14 & 15
- D15 Bucket Wheel replacement – Modelled new and existing wheels & chutes
- Detailed drawings for Bucket Wheel lug repair
- Detailed drawings of welding jigs required to centralise lug inserts & stabilise welding process
- Created removal & installation drawings for digging-unit steering-screw
- Detailed drawing for civil works & structural modifications

ESSO Australia (Longford Gas Conditioning Plant)
The new Gas Conditioning Plant at the Longford facility – near Sale in south-eastern Victoria – will process gas associated with the largest domestic gas development on Australia’s eastern seaboard.
2015-2016 Provision of Non Destructive Testing – Corrosion Survey Drawings
Pro Draft has developed an innovative process of extracting CAD entities from existing 3D plant information to enable the creation of over 700 detailed corrosion survey drawings. These drawings will enable on-site teams to accurately locate NDT test points.
This process has produced drawings of an accuracy and quality far superior to traditional drafting methods.